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Our team of experts has more than 20 years of experience in banking and financial law.
We are experienced specialists who have deep knowledge and understanding of the complex issues associated with these areas.
Due to our expertise and practical experience we are able to provide high-quality legal services and develop strategies that will aid you to protect your interests in the banking and financial sectors.
Licensing of banking and non-banking financial institutions
Preparation of a package of documents to the NBU
Legal audit regarding compliance with legislation on the organization and implementation of financial monitoring
Legal support regarding currency control and regulation (individual NBU licenses, foreign investments, currency restrictions, settlements using foreign currencies, servicing loans from non-residents)
Inspection of a financial company on compliance with prudential standards of financial institutions in Ukraine (requirements in respect of capital and liquidity standards, structuring of significant participation, corporate governance, etc.) and the procedure for providing certain financial services
Conducting Due Diligence on regulatory compliance issues (detection of law violations, analysis of the possible application of sanctions by the regulator, recommendations on the procedure for eliminating violations, reducing regulatory impact)
Conducting corporate investigations / support during inspections by the regulator (on the subject of fraud, corruption, participation in money laundering)
Analysis, improvement and/or development of internal documents of financial institutions (internal regulations/programs; contracts with clients and third parties)
Legal consulting
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